Works started on the gas compressor stations within BRUA Phase 1


The Director-General of the Romanian Gas Transmission Company Transgaz Ion Sterian, has signed the order to commence works to the gas compressor stations Podisor, Bibesti and Jupa within the project ‘Development of the National Gas Transmission System along the Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary-Austria Corridor, Phase 1 (BRUA – Phase 1)’.


Each station will be equipped with two compressor units (one active and one redundant) and will have the technical capability to enable bidirectional gas flows.

The contract on the construction of the three gas compressor stations was awarded to a consortium consisting of Romanian companies led by INSPET SA Ploiesti.

The project’s strategic relevance had a say in the EU’s decision to get engaged in the funding of the FEED for the three compressor stations, by a grant amounting to EURO 1,519,342 which represents 50 per cent of the estimated eligible costs.

Besides the construction of the three gas compressor stations, BRUA Phase 1 entails the construction of the 479 km-long gas transmission pipeline Podisor-Recas (32”(Dn 800) and 63 bar).

Upon the completion of Phase 1 the following gas flows will be ensured:

– to Hungary, by the interconnection Horia-Csanadpalota, 1.75 bcma (200 thousand cm/h), 40 bar border pressure;

– to Bulgaria, by the interconnection Ruse-Giurgiu, 1.5 bcma (171 thousand cm/h), 30 bar border pressure.

BRUA Phase 1 is considered to be a regional priority project. It is included in the CESEC (Central East South Europe Gas Connectivity) list to play a significant role in the increase in the security of gas supply and regional interconnectivity.

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