First CEH facility in compliance with EU environment law

The Ministry of Energy announced that as of 27 August Paroseni thermal power plant, within Hunedoara Energy Complex (CEH), has been operating in compliance with environmental values imposed by the European legislation, after an investment of EUR 65.3 million. Through this investment, Paroseni thermal power plant was equipped with a desulphurization plant that eliminates 94% of the SO2 emissions.

“We are glad that we have at Hunedoara Energy Complex the first power plant compliant with the European environmental legislation. This has a double importance. On the one hand, Paroseni thermal power plant will be supplied with coal from Jiu Valley, and on the other hand any step taken in the direction of compliance with environmental requirements by coal-fired power plants in Romania ensures in the future an energy mix equally diversified,” Energy Minister Anton Anton has stated.

The investment was funded through a loan from the EIB, BCR and EBRD, and works have been executed by the CNIM – LAB consortium.

The project aiming to align Paroseni Thermal Power Plant to the European environmental legislation was started four years ago.

The investment aimed at the construction of a flue gas desulphurization plant, as well as changing the technology for the collection, transport and storage of slag and ash resulting from the combustion of coal.

In the summer of 2015, Paroseni and Mintia-Deva thermal power plants within CEH were prohibited to operate by the Environmental Guard following an inspection ordered at the level of the Ministry of Environment. For both production units, CEH has challenged in court the decision of the Environmental Guard.


About CEH

Hunedoara Energy Complex produces, supplies and trades hard coal-based electricity, produces, dispatches, transports, distributes and supplies thermal energy, carries out geological research activities for the discovery of hard coal deposits, exploits hard coal deposits, carries out maintenance activities, so as to operate in an integrated manner and become a major actor at regional level by maximizing Romania’s potential in the field.

CEH branches carrying out energy-related activities are the Electrocentrale Deva Branch and Electrocentrale Paroseni Branch.

CEH branches carrying out mining-related activities are: Lonea Mining Exploitation Branch; Livezeni Mining Exploitation Branch; Vulcan Mining Exploitation Branch; Lupeni Mining Exploitation Branch; Prestserv Petrosani Branch.

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