8th EDITION of Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition
6th of June 2024, Bucharest

The 8th Edition of Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition took place on the 6th of June in Bucharest. For the eight years in a row Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition brought us all together!
This year the event had outstanding participation and created a unique atmosphere where everyone enjoyed the show while making quality networking with professionals within the trenchless industry!
Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition is the most important event in the region showcasing horizontal directional drilling technologies for the installation of public utilities. This event annually brings together the most significant companies in the trenchless sector, from drilling equipment manufacturers to contractors and network operators. Trenchless Romania aims to raise awareness in the region about the benefits of trenchless technologies, which are both more economical and faster, with minimal environmental intrusion.
This year the conference had distinguished guests such as Klaus Beyer – International Director ISTT (International Society for Trenchless Technology), Florian Burnar – President of the Association for European Projects and Funds and EBRD Specialists (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) who presented investment plans for Romania.
Since 2022, Trenchless Romania Club has been the only entity affiliated with the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT) and proudly represented Romania at the EUROPEAN NO-DIG event in Berlin, where professionals from across Europe gathered to discuss and find solutions to infrastructure challenges.
Conference program
The conference day was structured in two technical panels with relevant presentations about the latest equipment for the no-dig industry and related activities for water, sewage, gas and optic fibre. Each year the organizers are looking to have high quality programme that can provide a rich source of information bringing added value for all the participants. Also, the show presented the exhibition area where participants in the event had the opportunity to get informed about the products and services presented directly from the companies’ representatives.
The first panel was opened by Dymitr Ganew Petrow – Senior Sales Manager, HERRENKNECHT with the presentation on the ‘Mega Infrastructure Project: Brenner Base Tunnel’: A 55 km long straight and horizontal railway tunnel under the Brenner Pass in the Eastern Alps, connecting Innsbruck (Austria) with Fortezza (Italy), part of the Berlin-Palermo axis of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).
The reduction of social and economic impact through the use of trenchless technologies in the rehabilitation projects of drinking water, sewage, gas, heating, and industrial pipelines was the central topic of the presentation by Daniel Turza, Deputy Manager at Blejkan Construct. Blejkan Construct SRL, part of the BLEJKAN Group, a leader in the trenchless rehabilitation market in Poland, specializes in trenchless rehabilitation of sewage, water, technological, and gas pipelines.
Trenchless Romania is the official event for the trenchless industry in Romania and it’s supported by GSTT (German Association for Trenchless Technologies), ISTT (International Association for Trenchless Technologies), Trenchless Romania Club (Romanian Association for Trenchless Technologies), ARA (Romanian Water Association), OGL (Austrian Association for Trenchless Technologies), APPFE (Association Partnership for European Projects and Funds), FPSC (Federation of Construction Societies) and ARACO (Romanian Association of Construction Contractors).
The organizers thank all the partners for supporting the event:
- GOLD: Blejkan Construct
- SILVER: ImoCon, Steinzeug-Keramo, Inoveco Expert
- BRONZE SPONSORS: Bam Construcții, CTE Solution Utilaje Specializate
- Mobility Partner: PIAGGIO
The day was sweetened by the Sweet Partner: Kandia Romania – ROM.
Trenchless Romania Awards – 8th Edition
The event hosted the 8th edition of the Trenchless Romania Awards. This is the only award session for projects in the trenchless technology field and is dedicated to those who understand the benefits of no-dig technologies and have applied these technologies in their work.
- Trenchless Pipe Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of the chlorination station and development of the Izvarna premises. “Rehabilitation and extension of the ISVARNA – Craiova supply pipeline II line II Section I” – BLEJKAN CONSTRUCT
- Horizontal Directional Drilling
The use of Hatboru steel pipes produced by Hatboru Romania, in Giurgiu, in HDD – HATBORU ROMANIA
- Pioneers of the horizontal drilling method in ROMANIA
Academic collective of UTCB (Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest) represented by Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing Valentin Șoimușan and Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Cristian Pavel