EPG Summer School 2024
Europe 2040: Smart Energy Systems for a Sustainable Future

In an intensive 5-day program, the summer school offers insight into the challenges faced by today’s energy sector and the impacts of different prospective solutions. Through seminars and lectures, more than 15 speakers (reputed scholars, international experts, and practitioners from leading energy companies) explore critical questions on future of energy systems in the perspective of Europe in 2040.
The summer school is targeted for master/PhD students and young professionals (max. 35 years old) studying/working in the energy sector or other related fields (economics, law, political sciences, environmental studies etc.).
The goal of the program is to equip students and professionals with the appropriate tools to better analyse the energy sector and its complex interconnections with the climate system and the natural resources industries. The summer school is also a great opportunity to debate, interact, and build a sense of community that can afterwards facilitate a cross-disciplinary and cross-border collaboration to deploy the energy transition goals.
As many of the summer school topics will be approached from a policy perspective, ideal candidates can be employees of international organisations, public affairs professionals in business organisations, policy advocates from NGOs, researchers within universities, research institutes and think-tanks etc.
Module 1. Energy & Climate Governance (1st of July 2024)
The aim of this module is to offer an overview of the international institutional architecture for energy & climate change including political bargaining, policymaking and implementation by governments, non-governmental organisations, businesses, and communities. Part of this module there will be interactive group learning games that promote greater understanding of the causes of climate change and the solution to mitigate it. Starting with the general picture of the foundations of EU energy and climate policy, the programme will move into more specific discussions on key energy topics, such as energy efficiency, secure low-carbon energy supply, energy system optimisation and industrial decarbonisation.
Module 2. Energy Systems (2nd of July 2024)
Decarbonising the energy system is critical to reach climate neutrality by 2050. Within this module, significant attention is given to policies that prioritise energy efficiency and renewable energy, a secure and affordable energy supply, and a fully integrated, interconnected, and digitalised EU energy market.
Module 3. Clean Economy (3rd of July 2024)
As the EU is embarking on a transition towards climate neutrality, net-zero requirements must apply to the whole economy (energy sources, industrial processes, supply chains and infrastructure). This module will focus on industrial decarbonisation, innovation on low-carbon technology and processes, as well as resilient supply chains.
More detail on https://www.enpg.ro/summer-school-2024/