EU-11 develops innovative solutions for a smooth energy transition

EU-11 region is a growing economy with a growing appetite for energy and to ensure a sustainable energy transition, companies and governments started looking for innovative solutions that will allow the countries to continue their economic growth while ensuring a proper use of the energy resources. Biomass, smart grids, effective refinery, renewables and e-mobility were among the projects showcased during the 2nd edition of the Central European Day of Energy event, in Brussels.

Though the European Innovation Scoreboard shows that all EU-11 countries perform below EU average in terms of innovation systems, it is worth mentioning that the region is starting its energy innovation journey from a much more difficult position than Western Europe. From companies’ perspectives, investments in energy innovation are highly risky endeavours and without public support (political and financial), no one will take the lead. This is particularly the case where high infrastructure expenditures are needed. CEEP members and other companies from the EU-11 present at the event manifested their readiness to contribute to the achievements of all targets established by the EU in terms of climate and energy, as long as this will not hamper the economic development of the region.

The event was co-organised by Central Europe Energy Partners and the European Commission (DG Energy), with the support of International Visegrad Fund and under the auspices of the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group, on the 11th of December, 2017 in Brussels. This second edition was prepared in cooperation with partners from the Czech Republic (Masaryk University), Hungary (REKK), Lithuania (Kaunas University of Technology), Poland (Sobieski Institute), Romania (Romanian Energy Center) and Slovakia (SFPA) as well as Electric Vehicle Promotion Foundation from Poland.

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