FOREN 2024
Rethinking the Future of the World Through a Secured, Clean and Efficient Energy

Leading economic and political decision-makers from Romania and the Central and Eastern European region have announced their participation in the 17th edition of the Regional Energy Forum for Central and Eastern Europe – FOREN 2024, with the theme “Rethinking the future of the world through a secured, clean and efficient energy”, which will take place from 16 to 19 June 2024 at the Neptun-Olimp International Conference Centre.
FOREN 2024, a traditional biennial event organised by the Association of the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (RNC-WEC) with the support of the World Energy Council, is considered as the most important and representative event for the Romanian energy community, with the status of WEC regional event for Central and Eastern Europe.
Underlining the Forum’s need and importance, RNC-WEC President Dan Ioan Gheorghiu states: “Now in its 17th edition, FOREN 2024 aims to address a real need for analysis and debate on the status of the energy sectors in the Central and South-East European region and to identify solutions for energy cooperation. The need for an objective analysis seems all the more necessary today as the challenges multiply and become more demanding. Over the past two years, the energy sectors of the countries in the region have faced multiple challenges and the overall development landscape has changed dramatically, with effects on specific markets, energy users and the quality of life of people in the region. A major impact has also been felt in terms of the competitiveness of the whole region: the effort of some of these economies to become climate neutral or – for others – to significantly reduce their carbon footprint has increased. We also recall the painful recovery from the global health crisis, the spread of military conflicts and other geopolitical tensions with their effect of turning energy into a political weapon, the need to reshape and improve technologies, the abnormal rise in energy prices. We could also add economic development affected by inflation felt across the region, disruption to supply chains of essential materials, pressure to meet the requirements of the energy transition, difficulties in energy affordability and more. As such, cooperation between the countries of the world is imperative to overcome many of today’s difficulties, and FOREN 2024 is an ideal environment for collaboration, dialogue, exchange of information, experience, and best practices, developing solutions, business meetings between experts from the countries of the region, but also potential opportunities for cooperation, so beneficial at this time.”
For his part, RNC-WEC Executive Director General Stefan Gheorghe stresses: “The Regional Energy Forum – FOREN 2024, now in its 17th edition, represents for the energy community in Romania and in the region a continuation of the traditional path that this event of regional importance has acquired over time. FOREN 2024 will also mark the 100th anniversary of the RNC-WEC, one of the founding members of the World Energy Council, in 1924. During the Forum’s work, an important event will be the moment dedicated to the Centenary anniversary of our organization, which will highlight, among other things, the role of the Romanian National Committee in the development of the energy sector in Romania. We are pleased to invite you to FOREN 2024, which will debate highly topical issues and where you will be able to interact with some of the most important economic decision-makers, politicians and specialists in the energy sector in Romania and Europe.”
FOREN 2024 includes a wide range of events with topics of major national and international interest in its main events: five Round Tables at Forum level (RTF) • Four Workshops at Forum level (WF) • Corporate Round Tables (RT). FOREN 2024 will also host Technical Paper Sessions (TPS), Poster Session and International Exhibition.
FOREN 2024 INTERNATIONAL EXPO will officially open on 16 June 2024 during 10:00-12:30 and will remain open throughout the Forum.
The OFFICIAL OPENING SESSION of FOREN 2024 will take place on 16 June 2024 during 15:00-17:30 at the Neptun International Conference Centre. It will be hosted by Dan Ioan Gheorghiu and will have as guests leading personalities in the field: Sebastian Burduja – Minister of Energy of Romania, Angela Wilkinson – CEO and Secretary General of the World Energy Council, Victor Parlicov – Minister of Energy of the Republic of Moldova, George Niculescu – President of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE), Sandor Bende – President of the Committee for Industries and Services – Chamber of Deputies, Romanian Parliament, Ambassador Lazar Comanescu – Secretary General of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organisation, Ioan Dumitrache – Secretary General of the Romanian Academy, Bogdan Chiritoiu – President of the Romanian Competition Council and member of the Board of Directors of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), Victoria Zinchuk – Country Director for Romania at the EBRD.
Short speeches will also be given during the Opening Session by decision-makers from major players in the energy industry: Ondrej Safar – Country Manager, Evryo, Dumitru Chirita – Chairman of the Board of Electrica SA, Alessio Menegazzo – CEO & Country Manager, PPC, Volker Raffel – CEO, E.ON Romania, Nicolas Richard – CEO, Engie Romania, Ianas Radoi – COO, SPEEH Hidroelectrica, Cosmin Ghita – CEO, SN Nuclearelectrica SA, Ioan Foidas – Director SNGN Romgaz, Stefanita Munteanu (TBC) – President of the Executive Board, Transelectrica SA, Ion Sterian – General Manager SNTGN Transgaz, Kurt Weber – Managing Director, Horváth, Marian Nastase – Chairman and non-executive member of the Board of Directors, Vimetco ALRO SA.
On 17 June 2024 the “REGIONAL ENERGY DAY – RED” will take place with the theme: “A just energy transition in the CEE countries”. It will be moderated by Catalin Stancu – senior expert, Horváth and will have as keynote speaker Dan Dragan – Secretary of State at the Ministry of Energy. The discussion panel at the RED event will include: Gabriel Andronache – ANRE Vice President, Alexandru Sandulescu – EU Senior Energy Advisor, Republic of Moldova, Neil M. Wilmshurst – Chair of the US Member Committee, Senior Vice President, Energy System Resources & Chief Nuclear Office – EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute-USA), Gianfranco Chicco – Professor, Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy, Burkhard von Kientz – COO Processes, E.ON, Adrian Curaj – UEFISCDI General Director, Rares Hurghis – FEL Executive Director, RNC-WEC.
The nine major events of FOREN 2024, organised during 17-19 June 2024, will have the following themes:
- Adapting the region’s energy sectors to new challenges (RTF1)
- Energy strategies for decarbonising the energy system (WF1)
- Specific issues on the use of fossil fuels and biofuels in the energy transition (RTF2)
- Energy efficiency, energy market, smart consumption and prosumer integration: innovations for the future (WF2)
- Centenary of the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (RTF-WEC)
- Advanced studies in energy transition (RTF3)
- New technologies in the energy transition (WF3)
- The impact of artificial intelligence energy management in the next decade (RTF4)
- The role of nuclear energy in Central and Eastern Europe (WF4)
During the same period, Technical Paper Sessions (TPS) will be held to examine issues related to: Strategic directions in the transition of the energy sector to the digital age and New technologies in the energy sector.
At FOREN 2024, more than 115 high-profile speakers, including ministers, energy industry leaders, experts and researchers, regulators, eminent academics and representatives of non-governmental bodies from our country and abroad will seek to address acute technical issues facing the regional energy industry in keynote events moderated by leading academics, companies and professional organisations from the country and abroad.
Also, a large number of valuable specialists will present technical-scientific papers in technical and poster sessions.
The Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council invites all companies, organisations, institutes working in the field of energy and environment to participate in FOREN 2024, an event of major importance in national and regional energy.
FOREN 2024 is being carried out under the patronage of the Romanian Ministry of Energy, with the support of partners, co-organisers, academies, universities and media partners of RNC-WEC.
The Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (RNC-WEC) is a non-governmental association and the main multi-energy organisation in Romania, founding member of the World Energy Council since 1924, strategic partner for other organisations, associations and foundations in the field of energy and environment in Romania.
The Regional Energy Forum – FOREN has been held every two years since 1992 and is organised by the Association of the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (RNC-WEC).
The World Energy Council (WEC) is the world’s leading energy organisation, established in 1924, comprising more than 90 national committees from over 3000 member organisations, whose mission is the promotion, provision and sustainable use of energy for the benefit of all people on the planet.