Intelligent Energy Association – 8 Years of Success in Facts and Figures

Eight years ago, the creation of the Intelligent Energy Association (AEI) was approved at the Medias Court. Success is not measured in years, but in the number of projects, and especially in the impact they have in one’s field or in society.

All the 20 projects carried out by the association have left their mark either on the energy sector, even if they represented only a drop in the ocean of the challenges that exist in this field in Romania, through studies, analyses, volumes launched and webinars organized, or on society, which has become more aware, more responsible, more resilient also thanks to AEI’s actions. These include ‘Disaster Prevention Days’, ‘Energy Efficiency in People’s Lives Towards 2050’, ‘Traditional Romania with Clean Energy’, ‘Fair Gas and Energy Prices’, ‘Energy for Life’ or ‘Consumer Academy’.

The most important performance of the Intelligent Energy Association in 2023 was the realization of the ‘National Electronic Register of Households without Electricity’ which includes the inventory of non-electrified households in Romania and the launch to the authorities of the Plan of Measures that gives strength to the ‘Energy for Life’ project to eradicate extreme energy poverty in Romania. The project was awarded at the 2024 Romanian Civil Society Gala.

‘The signing of the Partnership for Combating Energy Poverty with the Ministry of Energy comes as a recognition of all our efforts – members, partners, supporters, to raise the alarm on extreme energy poverty in Romania and to show that there are solutions that can alleviate this phenomenon. Together with all our supporters, we will continue to turn on the lights in homes that have never been connected to the electricity grid and to bring heat to those less fortunate than us,’ said Dumitru Chisalita, President of AEI.

Projects run by the Intelligent Energy Association include:

  • Heated houses
  • Energy for Life
  • Traditional Romania with Clean Energy
  • Disaster Prevention Days
  • Cooking in the solar oven
  • Starting Over in the Gas and Power Market
  • Fair Gas and Energy Price
  • Hydrogen – Energy Carrier of the Future
  • Energy Efficiency in People’s Lives Towards 2050
  • Stop to the disposal of used cooking oil
  • This is where your money will be
  • Consumer Academy
  • Intelligent Energy Efficiency
  • The future of transport
  • eCarbon registry
  • Volunteering in Apuseni
  • Adopt a letter to Santa
  • Energy in Elections
  • Energy behind the scenes
  • With the Family across Romania

During this period, the Association has realized 52 seminars and webinars, 15 national studies in the field of energy, its members have launched 21 books and published 352 articles, AEI’s presence in the media has meant 9.652 positions expressed in the last 2 years alone.

AEI’s results have made the number of members continuously grow, with the Intelligent Energy Association becoming the first association bringing together Energy professionals where the number of women outnumber men (43% men and 57% women)!

“We want to be at least as active in the coming years as we have been in this period, to continue AEI projects and to develop new ones, so that the Intelligent Energy Association remains a reference point in the Romanian energy sector. All the initiatives of the association were possible thanks to the support we enjoyed. Thanks to the AEI members, to all the partners who supported us financially, to the media representatives for their excellent collaboration and to all those who encouraged us in everything we have undertaken,” Dumitru Chisalita added.

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