The Excellence in Business Gala Awarded the Champions of the Romanian Economy

The achievements, perseverance and performance of Romanian companies were awarded at the Excellence in Business Gala, organized by the Association for the Development of Local Entrepreneurship (ADAA), under the patronage of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, with the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest as official partner and Antena 3 CNN as official media partner. Representatives from the local business environment, from small, start-up companies to well-established companies, took the stage.
“The Excellence in Business Gala is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of entrepreneurship and its contribution to the development of our economy. Through excellence and innovation, we can help create a stronger and more prosperous Romania. The Excellence in Business Gala is an event dedicated to the business environment. The Association for the Development of Entrepreneurship supports and promotes companies that perform in Romania,” said ADAA President, Andreea NEGRU.

The event was attended by representatives from academia, the European Commission in Romania, members of the Government and the business environment who stressed the importance of recognizing the merits of Romanian entrepreneurs and managers.
Dorel PARASCHIV, Prorector for relations with the economic and social environment and student life of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, delivered the opening speech on behalf of the official partner of the event, ASE Bucharest: “Education, managerial capital and business skills are key factors contributing to the entrepreneurial success of young people. Favourable physical operating conditions – such as access to dedicated spaces, basic infrastructure services and information and communication technology – also improve performance. We are glad that, in the prestigious Aula Magna of the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, ADAA organized the Business Excellence Gala for well-known local entrepreneurs who contribute to the sustainable development of the economy.”
For his part, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economics, partner of the event, Professor Silvia IACOB, PhD, claimed: “The Excellence in Business Gala is an event attended by the elite of Romanian entrepreneurship, university professors and officials from the economic and social environment. The event was distinguished by rewarding the talent and added value of local entrepreneurship, but also by the contribution of the academic teaching staff, acknowledged by the award of the Excellence Prize for stimulating entrepreneurial and financial skills among students, conferred to the Faculty of Economics.”
Her Excellency, the Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Romania, Ramona CHIRIAC, addressed a message of support from the EC to the audience: “My message is that the European Union has been and will always be there for the business community, both in good times and in more difficult times, through European funds, by creating and maintaining a climate conducive to the development of the economy and the business environment, or through standards on the rule of law. A slight recovery is expected next year, with growth by 1.4%, but many risks and question marks remain, which the European Commission will constantly monitor”. Her Excellency highlighted this year’s challenges at EU level, namely the labour crisis and inflation. Among other things, Ramona Chiriac said that 74% of small and medium-sized enterprises in the European labour market are facing a shortage of staff. As a solution, she calls for the market to be increasingly open to young people and women, and for measures to adapt to technology and develop social dialogue.
On behalf of the Government, the Secretary of State of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, Mihai PRECUP, pointed out: “I think it is more important than ever to identify the champions of the Romanian industry and help them. The Government has come up with a clear response in the last year in terms of supporting Romanian businesses and companies. We understood our mission in this ecosystem and came up with a concrete response to the need for capitalization. We are talking about EUR 400 million that we are allocating, with expertise, exactly where it is needed. We identify the potential and invest. It is an injection of capital, but it is also an investment of confidence and yes, the economy needs confidence more than ever. It needs guarantees”.
In addition to recognising the merits of companies, the guests at the extraordinary event stressed that such meetings are a source of inspiration for young entrepreneurs.
Florin JIANU, President of the National Council of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises of Romania, stated: “Stability and predictability must be at the forefront of every government. The immediate future must also mean a package of recovery and support for the business environment. Solutions must also be found for the extension of EU funding under the 2014-2020 programmes.”
The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, partner of the Excellence in Business Gala, through the voice of the Secretary of State, Mr Lucian RUS, present at the event, supports the small and medium-sized enterprises sector based on the four systematic needs of the business environment in Romania – the need to increase entrepreneurial density, the need to increase the resilience of firms, to encourage the growth of firms and the need to encourage the creation of added value.
The event at ASE awarded 23 companies, ranging from small start-ups to large, publicly listed companies. Some of the prizes were awarded by the Intelligent Romania platform. The Excellence in Business Gala was moderated by Adrian Maniutiu, who received the Excellence Award for supporting entrepreneurship.
Partners of the Excellence in Business Gala: CNIPMMR, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brasov, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Constanța, National Employers’ Association of Business Women in Small and Medium Enterprises, Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economics, Association of Students in Economics, Business and Communication, National Credit Guarantee Fund for SMEs, OMV Petrom, CESAROM, SPEEH Hidroelectrica S.A., Austrotherm Romania, Auto Big, EXIM Banca Romanească, RIAN Consult SRL, Electrica S.A., Electrica Furnizare, CNTEE Transelectrica S.A., SNTGN Transgaz S.A., Delgaz Grid, E.ON, Antibiotice Iasi, Carmistin, CRS Investment Project SRL, Tradeville, International Alexander, Reciclad’OR, Depogaz, Dacris, “Maine Va Fi Mai Bine” Foundation, Florariile Magnolia, Cramele Cotnari, Svetlana Karahan, Gerovital, Chocoland, Sweet Moments, Siviero Maria, Produse de la Sibiu JINA, Farmasi, Perfect Royal Events, Rosefir, DO Security, Innovus, Women Rally, Restaurant Mon Paris, Zexe Herastrau, Happy Forever by Andreea, Fleurane.
Knowledge Partner: Oil and Gas Employers Federation – FPPG
Official Media Partner: Antena 3 CNN
Media partners: Agerpres, Financial Intelligence, Club Economic, Economistul, EM360,, Income Magazine, Transilvania Business, Ziarul Bursa, Newsweek, BizPLUS, Capital,, EventsMax, News One, InvesTenergy, The Diplomat,, Focus Energetic, Energy Industry Review, Photographer Stefan Ovidiu.
Media monitoring partner: Media Trust
About the Association for the Development of Local Entrepreneurship (ADAA)
ADAA campaigns for the development of entrepreneurial and associative culture among local entrepreneurs and for the defence and promotion of their interests. ADAA also actively promotes the role and importance of entrepreneurship for the sustainable and durable economic development of Romania. The association was established in 2012 as a pressing need of the entrepreneurial environment to find a platform for communication and promotion of best practice models at national and international level. In addition, ADAA’s mission is to advocate for individual and collective awareness of the importance of women’s involvement in public life, society and business.