EUR 7.6mn Grant for Eurowind Energy’s Teius PV Park in Alba County

Eurowind Energy’s Country Manager for Romania, Adrian Dobre, signed a EUR 7.6 million grant from Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) for their battery project at the Teius solar farm, in Alba County, Romania.

Adrian Dobre signed the grant with Minister for Energy, Sebastian Burduja, at a ceremony in Bucharest.

The 60 MW Teius is almost completed and will provide enough power to supply approx. 25,000 Romanian households. The 117 MWh battery will help balance the timing of production and consumption, thereby reducing the cost of electricity for the Romanian consumers.

The National Recovery and Resilience Plans were designed to help EU-countries to bounce back after COVID, and under the EU measure, REPowerEU, the countries have updated their plans with new measures to save energy and diversify the EU’s energy supplies.

Eurowind Energy is a Danish company that specialises in the development, construction, and operation of renewable energy parks. The company’s activities span across wind, solar, hydrogen, biogas, power to heat, and battery solutions.


Eurowind Energy projects benefiting from the first CfD auction

Eurowind Energy also benefited from the first Contract for Difference (CfD) auction organized by the Romanian state, with two wind projects with a total capacity of 90 MW. The 66 MW Frumusita wind project and the 24 MW Vector wind project, both located in the county of Galati, Western Moldavia, are among the 21 projects that have succeeded in obtaining CfD support from the Romanian state. As part of the conditions for support, both projects must be operational no later than January 2028.

Eurowind Energy has a significant project portfolio of almost 8 GW in Romania – and two projects under construction.

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