Nuclearelectrica to Partner with the World Economic Forum

Nuclearelectrica (SNN) is the first Romanian company to join the World Economic Forum as a member in two strategic areas: Platform for Shaping the Future of Energy Materials and Infrastructure and the Partnering Against Corruption Initiative. The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation and engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

“Through our partnership with the World Economic Forum, Nuclearelectrica aims to develop its integrated base expertise, to become an active part in capturing and generating development initiatives with a significant economic, social, and organizational impact, to assess new opportunities for cooperation, expansion and development. Given our major investment projects, we also seek stronger economic and financial resilience and know-how. As both the World Economic Forum and Nuclearelectrica are interested and promote CO2 reduction programs, we engage in capitalizing on the innovation trend and clean solutions to produce energy,” Cosmin Ghita, Chief Executive Officer, said.

“We are delighted to have Nuclearelectrica joining the Forum’s Energy, Materials and Infrastructure platform, which is working on addressing critical issues shaping the global energy system. As the first company from Romania, the partnership reflects an opportunity to build public-private alliances and multi-stakeholder collaboration in the energy sector,” Roberto Bocca, Head of the Platform for Shaping the Future of Energy, Materials and Infrastructure at the World Economic Forum, noted.

Nuclearelectrica’s mission is to generate clean energy at high standards of excellence and its vision is to build a sustainable future for the next generations. Therefore, the company relies heavily on strong corporate governance and strives towards strategic investment projects to meet decarbonization targets and reduce CO2 emissions, creating new jobs and growing a new generation of specialists. That is why partnering with the World Economic Forum, a strategic global organization, represents an opportunity for growth.

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