New Overhead High-voltage Power Line Nearing Completion

220 kV Double Circuit Ostrovu Mare - PTG OHL

The construction works of the 220 kV double circuit Ostrovu Mare – PTG OHL (new line), which will contribute to the discharge of energy produced in the Iron Gates 2 hydropower plant, are at an advanced stage of execution. The line has a length of about 31 kilometres, a number of 105 poles and crosses the territory of 5 administrative territorial units in Mehedinti County.

Recently, the investment status meeting took place, with the participation of Stefanita Munteanu, President of the Transelectrica Management Board, and Florin Cristian Tataru, member of the Management Board, together with the Director of the Investment Department, Dorinel Vladu, and representatives of the contractor, Electromontaj and ELM Electromontaj Cluj.

So far, 100 poles have been erected, with two more being assembled on the ground and ready to be erected. A total of 104 foundations have been laid and completed, the physical stage of the investment being at 75%.

Currently, the most complex part of the work is being carried out, namely the section crossing the Gogosu Arm of the Danube River, using special poles used in such situations, double-circuit metal poles, tower type, with double triangle crown (DONAU type crown), which are 66 meters high. The opening of the Gogosu Arm crossing is 560 meters long.

The execution contract has a total value of RON 49 million and was signed in March 2023, the order for the commencement of works being issued in May 2023. The deadline for work completion is May 2025.

The new 220 kV line will connect the Cetate substation with the 82nd station of Romania’s Power Transmission Grid, Ostrov substation, an investment which is in the public procurement phase for the execution contract. The construction of the new Ostrovu Mare – PTG line and the Ostrov substation are mainly aimed at increasing the discharge capacity of the electricity produced in the Iron Gates 2 Hydropower Plant into the National Power System.

The power transmission grid managed by Transelectrica, the National Power Grid Company, currently has approximately 9,140 kilometres of 400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV overhead lines and 81 transformer substations. Over the last six years, the National Transmission and System Operator has built more than 400 kilometres of new 400 kV overhead power lines, and 740 kilometres of high-voltage overhead power lines are under construction until 2030 with a total value of more than EUR 380 million.

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