Potential replication sites for IRIS smart city solutions

In IRIS Smart Cities flagship, Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur is proving essential to developing a string of near zero energy districts using the latest in smart grids, energy management and storage, data sensors and renewables – amongst other tech – generating a great deal of international interest from actors wishing to learn and replicate such initiatives around Europe and beyond.
Delegates of CLUSGRID project – members of the international cooperation and competitiveness hub European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) – from Poland, Bulgaria, Spain met in France on 7-8 June 2018. They met together with IRIS partners and learn about the urban transformation taking place first hand. It was also an excellent opportunity to discuss about industrial partnerships – whilst contributing somehow to identification potential replication sites for IRIS smart city solutions.
Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur presented the overall goals and aims of IRIS, illustrated their global vision for digital services through a City Innovation Platform and put the long-term opportunities for the region into perspective. The international group had some particularly interesting exchanges on digital acceptance across cultures for everyone to take away.
CLUSGRID partners had a full-visit of the Smart City Innovation Center (SCIC), an open technological platform that gives real time data visualisations of air quality, noise, water and energy consumption and many more variables from across the entire city. The SCIC is a model for public-private collaboration; accessing over 3000 sensors used in the territory.
The innovation data center is one of the many initiatives connecting sustainable development with green technologies and data to improve services and the environment in Métropole Nice Côte D’Azur.
About IRIS
IRIS is a HORIZON 2020 EU funded project beginning October 2017 for a duration of five years.
The project has been developed around three lighthouse cities – Utrecht (The Netherlands, coordinator), Nice (France), and Gothenburg (Sweden) – who will work as collaborators and test-beds for follower cities Vaasa (Finland), Alexandroupolis (Greece), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) and Focsani (Romania).
Each city will draw upon a mix of universities and research organisations, local authorities, innovation agencies and private expertise to accelerate entire communities to adopt ambitious energy, mobility and ICT initiatives.
Source: irissmartcities.eu